
Toccoa Falls Institute

(The following is a news story from The Toccoa Record, September 21, 1911 (Used by Permission) taken from the book A Tree God Planted by Troy Damron) The Haddock Inn property at Toccoa Falls, which was recently purchased especially for Bible school purposes by The Christian and Missionary Alliance, will be opened for this purpose on October 10th, 1911, with a sufficient and efficient corps of instructors in the several departments. The Haddock Inn has closed for the season, but will reopen at the usual time next summer. The charter name of the school is “The Toccoa Falls Institute,” and

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Toccoa Falls Institute Brochure

One of the early Toccoa Falls Institute brochures ——————————————————- Editor’s note: The following is from the inside pages of the brochure. Toccoa Falls Institute was incorporated June 10, 1911, under the laws of Georgia, for providing a practical Bible training for Christian young men and women of small means, fitting them for effective Christian service at home and abroad. It also covers thoroughly the common and high school branches in its English Department, where needed. It is Located two miles from Toccoa, GA.. 93 miles northeast of Atlanta, on the main line of the Southern Railway, nestling in the foothills

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The Toccoa Falls College Mace

Editor’s Note: The following is from the Commencement program. Toccoa Falls College is taking the opportunity during the Centennial year to introduce a new tradition that will be used in all formal processions of the faculty. Leading the processional is Faculty Marshal, Julio Vena, who carries the official Toccoa Falls College Mace. Steeped in symbolism and ceremony, the use of a mace dates back centuries to traditions in the parliament of the British Commonwealth. Over time the mace has become a symbol of respect for governing institutions and today symbolizes Toccoa Falls College’s authority to grant degrees. Today [May 19,

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The Presidents of Toccoa Falls College

During the history of the institution, there have been six presidents: Dr. Richard A. Forrest, Founder; Dr. Julian A. Bandy; Dr. Kenn W. Opperman; Dr. Paul L. Alford; Dr. Donald O. Young, and Dr. W. Wayne Gardner. In October 1975, in order to keep abreast of the current usage of terms, the Board of Trustees changed the name from Toccoa Falls Institute to Toccoa Falls College. Dr. R.A. Forrest, Founder (President from 1907 to 1957) Dr. Julian A. Bandy President from 1957 to 1974 Dr. Kenn W. Opperman President from 1975 to 1978 Dr. Paul L. Alford (president from 1979

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The Falls

Toccoa Falls, on the campus of Toccoa Falls College. These falls are 186 feet high, 34 feet higher than Niagara Falls. “Toccoa” in the Cherokee language means “beautiful.” The pathway to Toccoa Falls in spring is beautiful—just like its name! Natural Azaleas, Rhododendron and Mountain Laurel dot the banks of the gouge and path leading to the falls. Toccoa Falls in summer provides a refreshing place of quiet rest for visitors and students. This is a postcard of the Falls was taken in the early 1900’s when Haddock Inn was located near its base. Another postcard of The Falls dating

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The Bell

1925 Rev. Forrest was asked to pastor the Presbyterian Church in Toccoa where he served for 25 years. When the present building was constructed, the bell from the belfry of the original building was donated to Toccoa Falls Institute. For years it signaled the daily schedule at the Institute as well as serving as a “victory bell” for sports events. Students were awakened at 6:00 a.m. by the bell, with the breakfast bell at 7:00 a.m., and the first class bell at 8:00 a.m. It continued to ring at regular intervals throughout the day until the “lights out” bell at

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TFC Financial Ledger that Survived the 1913 Fire

TFC financial ledger that survived the 1913 fire because it was locked in the school’s safe. See the photograph of Haddock Inn following the fire in March 1913. Side view of ledger. Notice Dr. Forrest’s books in the background. The ledger is sitting on the table that Mrs. Forrest used for teaching in her Bible classes. Page from the ledger showing the dates before and after the fire. Page from ledger with entries after the fire. Notice the names such as Scott and Smith. These are members of local families who maintained strong ties to the college for many years.

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Susie (Ralls) Mathes

“The Forrest were not privileged to have children of their own. Perhaps, the Lord felt theirs was to be a larger ministry that would have been possible with a family to rear. Their home, however, has always been open to young folks. Five of these were given special places and became “their” children. “Sue Ralls (Mathes) was from Tiptop, Tennessee. Rev. Forrest met her when he was conducting meetings in that city. In fact, he stayed at the Ralls home. He also saw Susie and recognized her potential. “Three years later she came to the Falls. . . . Later,

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Stewart Hall

In 1917-1918, with a gift from Lyman Stewart of Los Angeles, a new women’s residence, the Ella M. Stewart Dormitory,was built. Construction of Stewart Hall Logs used to build Stewart Hall ——————————————————————————————— Lyman Stewart “By 1917, it was obvious that the girls would need a larger dormitory than Sunshine Cottage. Acting on faith, Rev. Forrest set aside a plot of land a short distance south of the dining room and broke ground for a two-story building for girls. There was no money–not even ten dollars–toward the building, nor did he intend to build until the necessary sum had been obtained,

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Shop Building

“In the fall of 1938, the National Youth Administration, another governmental project launched because of the continued depression, began its Residential Project at Toccoa Falls. Before many months had passed, the Institute was filled to and beyond capacity with students. There were more than four hundred in attendance, most of them for twenty-one countries in Georgia. A fine Christian man was in charge of the Georgia division of the N. Y. A. While students were required to take vocational work, he also approved of their taking high school and Bible College subjects, as well. “Since the school didn’t have to

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May 6 & 7, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Tuesday, May 6, 1930 London, England 9:45 a.m. Breakfast. Richard went again to consult with Dr. Cochrane,

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May 5, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Monday, May 5, 1930 London, England Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Walked all the way to the office of

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May 4, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Sunday, May 4, 1930 London, England Found a comfortable and inexpensive room at the Regent Palace Hotel.

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May 3, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Saturday, May 3, 1930 Paris, France Could not sleep late this morning for we must pack up

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May 2, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Friday, May 2, 1930 Paris, France Hotel Edward VII. It is so good not to have to

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May 1, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Thursday, May 1, 1930 On the train between Rome and Paris 6:00 a.m. Had to change trains

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