Class of 1915, Mary Spooner, Esther Key Hill, Annie Thomas, and Lillian Eustace Early Students 1917, Ora Frost, Carrie Warner, and Lottie Davis 1917-1918 1917-1918 students Group after the Haddock Inn fire 1917-1918 Second group student body
Class of 1915, Mary Spooner, Esther Key Hill, Annie Thomas, and Lillian Eustace Early Students 1917, Ora Frost, Carrie Warner, and Lottie Davis 1917-1918 1917-1918 students Group after the Haddock Inn fire 1917-1918 Second group student body
Editor’s note—The yellowed map of Iraq clipped out of newspaper was discovered in Mrs. Forrest’s Bible. We had no idea of its significance until we
The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Thursday, May 15, 1930 On the Atlantic — S.S. Andania Both of us slept late this morning.
The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Sunday, May 11, 1930 Atlantic Ocean The Cunard Line, Steamship Andania It was very rough all night.
The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Saturday May 10, 1930 Glasgow, Scotland This is sailing day. Praise the Lord! We will both be
The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Friday, May 9, 1930 Edinburg, Scotland Had another fire this morning for it was still cold. After
The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine Thursday, May 8, 1930 London, England 6:45 a. m. This is rather early for the “Honeymoon†but