Centennial Homecoming 2007

Highlights of this Centennial Homecoming!Sponsors of the Bell Marker
Members of the 1954 High School class gather for a photo after the dedication of the historical marker they helped to sponsor on the history of the bell.

Unveiling of the Historical Markers
TFC president Dr. Wayne Gardner and TFAA president Patricia McGarvey unveil the first historical marker located in the center of campus.

Everyone waiting to get their BBQ

Alumni line up for the traditional barbecue picnic served on the green in the center of campus.

Birthday cake
After Friday evening’s homecoming basketball game, alumni celebrate the Centennial with a huge cake during the college’s birthday celebration.

Enjoying Brunch
Martha (BC 50) and Wilson Donehoo (BC 50) enjoy the opening moments of the reunion brunch.

TFC Centennial Parade
Florence Setterlof, former dean of women and current campus hostess, enjoys a fun moment during this year’s homecoming parade.

TFC registrar Kelly Vickers gives a brief history of the Leon and Rachel Gathany Outdoor Environmental Educational Center.

With Leon Gathany at his side, Dr. Wayne Gardner prepares to dedicate the building site for the outdoor center.