Most of my young life was spent longing to become a missionary to West Africa. When God prevented this from taking place, I realized I was standing at a crossroads. Would I trust Him for my future even though I did not like the idea of seeing my personal dreams fade? I had only one choice. I said yes to His plan and have never regretted this decision. In response to my obedience, He allowed me to be a part of sending hundreds of missionaries to places around the world — including West Africa! Had I said no, things would have turned out quite differently. But I said yes and it made all the difference.
Are you willing to do the same? Give up your dreams in order to allow Him to work fully through your life? If your answer is yes, then your future is very bright indeed because it is a future based on His ability and nothing else. Remember, Peter, James, and John left everything to follow the Savior, and we must be willing to do the same.