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Forrest Hall

Ground breaking of Forrest Hall

Forrest Hall Ground breaking

Homecoming Day of 1961 was the ground breaking for the new men’s dormitory, Forrest Hall, using the same shovel as Dr. Forrest had used at the ground breaking for the First Presbyterian Church of Toccoa years earlier.

Plans included three wings, each to be built as funds became available. More students were accepted for 1962-63 than could be housed, so some of the students lived at the Lake Louise conference grounds (Georgia Baptist Conference Center) until the first wing was completed early in 1963. Senator Richard Russell, a close friend of Dr. Forrest, brought the dedicatory address in 1965. The Senator’s mother enjoyed Dr. Forrest’s ministry in her church in Winder, Georgia, and the Senator’s younger brother attended summer youth conferences at Toccoa Falls and later entered the ministry.

Forrest Hall

Forrest Hall construction

Forrest Hall construction

Forrest Hall B-WING

The second wing of Forrest Hall was completed in 1964 For the first time in its history Toccoa Falls had adequate living quarters for all its men students.

Forrest Hall C-WING

The C-Wing of Forrest Hall was completed in 1979.

Forrest Hall

Forrest Hall
