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April 17 & 18, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine
Thursday, April 17, 1930
Madaba, Transjordan 5:00 a. m.

Editor’s note: Notice that Mrs. Forrest writes, “the tomb of Moses.” She was aware God buried Moses as is written in (Deuteronomy 34). However, the people of Israel were known for “marking” places of remembrances.

We had to start back to Jerusalem early for the Mohammedan parade back from the tomb of Moses will entirely block the Jericho road by 12:00 o’clock.

The ride home was uneventful except for a little engine trouble, which was soon adjusted. The car was entirely without brakes so the driver had to use the second gear in descending the mountain or when he desired to stop suddenly.

Richard took a number of pictures of various things of interest. Again saw the Dead Sea at a distance. The parade from the tomb of Moses reached the city before we arrived so our driver knew another road into the city around the Mt. of Olives, it was a one way road around the brow of the hill but we had a wonderful view of the city and the valley of Kedron in between the Mt. of Olives and the City of Jerusalem.

Our hearts were thrilled as we crossed the Mt. and descended into the city remembering the prophecy “His feet shall stand in that Day upon the Mt. of Olives.” Oh! Blessed Day when Jesus comes back to reign. After lunch we had an hour to rest before we dressed to go out to the closing exercises of our Bible School in Bethlehem. We visited the Church of the Nativity and the Shepherd’s Hills. Had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw nee Mildred Allen, before Richard spoke to the students of the Bible School, just closing for the Easter vacation. After dinner Mr. Shaw drove us back to Jerusalem.


Friday, April 18, 1930

Mrs. Smalley very kindly served my breakfast in bed and I rested until almost time for lunch. Miss Butterfield took Richard to many interesting [sites] in the old part of the city while I was resting. He also visited the Wailing Wall with Mr. Smalley. [At] the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, he and Miss Butterfield remained all afternoon through succeeding services of the Copts, Americans, Russians, and Roman Catholics standing all the while within three feet of the door of the supposed Tomb of Christ.