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September 1, 2008

Not Just For Today

I CLOSED MY BIBLE and prayed, “God, You have brought me to this place. There is no question about this. Therefore, I’m going to trust You to fulfill Your promises to me. I don’t know how You will do it, but I believe You will provide the money I need for this semester.”

Even though I had received two grants, they were not enough to cover the complete cost of my tuition and books. I was out of money, my bank account was empty, and I was tempted to believe I also was out of hope. But I wasn’t! God had a plan, and it was one that would forever change the way I viewed His work in my life.

As I waited nervously for a financial aid counselor to talk with me about my school bill, I rehearsed what I would say once I received the dreaded news—“You have an outstanding bill that needs to be paid.” Finally, Sylvia Eby, who was the director of Financial Affairs at the time, motioned for me to step forward. Looking up, she smiled and said, “Angie, you have received a grant from the college. Your bill is paid, and you even have a little money left over!”

My eyes washed over with tears at the thought of God answering my prayers and providing the extra money I needed to buy books for my classes. What a significant moment this turned out to be as I realized that God was saying, “Yes! This is where I have brought you, and I will provide—not just for today but for every day and need.” Truly, Toccoa Falls College was founded in the crucible of faith. And there is no doubt that many who attend will learn how to trust God in far greater ways than ever imagined.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)

(By Ms. Angela Ramage, TFC Alumna, TFC Board of Trustees. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p. 106-107)