October 1, 2007

Editor’s Note: The following devotional was taken from Mrs. Forrest’s Through The Bible radio program, which was broadcast on WRLC in Toccoa, Georgia.

A King’s Choice
July 19, 1942

During the visit of the King and Queen of England to Washington, D.C. in June 1939, the Indian Bureau asked Chief Whitefeather to sing for the royal couple. He sang, “Rule Britannia,” “God Save the King,” and “I’d Rather Have Jesus Than Silver And Gold.” At the end of his performance knowing that Queen Elizabeth was a religious woman, he said, “Your Majesty, I would like to ask you, ‘Do you know Jesus as your personal Saviour?’”

Without hesitation, she looked at him and said, “Some people know about God, some know about Christ, but the Lord Jesus is the Possessor of my heart. My husband is also a believer.” Then with a smile on his face, the King of England said, “I’d rather have Jesus, too.”

I count it a real privilege to come into your homes each week through this radio program and talk about my best Friend. For I, too, like Queen Elizabeth can say, “Jesus Christ is the Possessor of my heart,” and I want to witness to the power of the risen Savior today. The author of Hebrews tells us, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (13:8). That is our assurance and a promise that sovereign God has made to each one of us. At this moment, Europe is under siege but God is not shaken or surprised. Every day, men and women, boys and girls wake up wondering what will happen next. When Jesus Christ is the Possessor of your life and heart, you do not have to worry about tomorrow. Where there is a need for help, He supplies the answer. Where there is a lack, He is our abundance. Where there is sorrow, He offers comfort, compassion, understanding, and abiding love. Where there is a need for joy, hope or assurance, He willingly offers each one of these and so much more. Is Jesus Christ the Possessor of your heart? If the answer is yes, then remember: you are His greatest possession. Not even a King’s ransom has more value in the eyes of your living Lord and Saviour.

President and Mrs. Franklin Rossevelt attend church with the King and Queen of England
President and Mrs. Franklin Rossevelt attend church with the King and
Queen of England (King George V1 and his wife Elizabeth) during the
royal couple’s visit to the US during June 1939.