Missed Opportunities
HE WAS SHORT, did not have much hair on the top of his head, wore black heavy framed glasses, walked with short quick steps, and had male nicknames for his daughters. He taught a number of courses at Toccoa Falls College. Some students loved him while others avoided his classes if at all possible. His philosophy on testing was that if at least twenty-five percent of the class did not get a failing grade the test was far too easy.
One of the courses he taught was practical theology. In the early seventies, this class usually had only a handful of men. He would burst into the room, throw his coat in the corner, remove his shoes and say, ìIt is just us fellows and we are going to talk!î He would lecture us on some aspect of future ministry, openly and honestly sharing from past victories and failures. Often we would challenge him on some idea, which was usually followed by open and at times heated debate.
One day I followed him to his next class, vehemently arguing my opposing position to the subject of the day. Stopping at the door of the classroom he turned to me, smiled, put his hand up over my shoulder (I was twice his size), looked straight up into my eyes and said, “David, someday you will come back and thank me and say, ‘Jerry, you were right!'” With that he turned and walked away.
That was thirty years ago. I have wished many, many times I could have the opportunity to go to him and say, ìJerry, thank you! You were right!î It has been impossible because he lost his life along with his daughters in the 1977 flood.
Don’t miss the opportunity to thank those that have had an impact in your life. Maybe there are those today you need to call, write a letter, or better yet make a visit and tell them personally. It will bless them, bless you, and God will get the glory!
When I get to heaven and I see Dr. Jerry Sproul, I will finally be able thank him and say, “Jerry, you were right!”
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:3-6)
(By Rev. David Anderson, Durham, North Carolina, TFC Alumnus. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p. 28-29)