Gate Cottage (Fire on January 12, 2009)

Gate Cottage was destroyed by fire about 2:30 a.m. (January 12, 2009). This is one of Toccoa Falls College’s historic buildings. It housed the School of Counseling, Gate Cottage Restaurant, and falls gift shop. Cause of the fire is unknown.

Photos of Gate Cottage by Photos of Gate Cottage by Clarence Wulf & John Gailer Dr. Gardner's Update Photos of Gate Cottage by Clarence Wulf Photos of Gate Cottage by D. Pinney Video by D. Pinney

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Read Gate Cottage Remembered by Dr. Wayne Gardner

Gate Cottage
Gate Cottage (now) houses a dining room, gift shop, and the entrance to Toccoa Falls.

Gate Cottage

Original Gate Cottage
The original Gate Cottage (Click on the photo to see Dr. Forrest standing by the car. Evelyn, we believe, is inside on the passenger’s side.)

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