December 29, 2008

The Blessings of A New Beginning
By Dr. R.A. Forrest

Consecrate [sactify] yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you. Joshua 3:5

Happy New Year! Usually, I read the above passage from Joshua to the students at the opening of school. I remind them that this book is a signal: it marks the ending of one era and the new beginning of another. Moses had died and Joshua had been chosen to take his place. The struggles of the past were behind them along with many successes and victories but new ones were on the horizon. Miracle after miracle had been wrought on their behalf—the deliverance from the slavery of Egypt, the separation of the Red Sea, the provision of fresh water from a single rock and many more. As promised, God always is faithful.

The nation of Israel did not know it at the time, but they were standing on the threshold of a new way—an untrodden path—and Joshua called on them to sanctify (separate) themselves for the new experience that awaited them. This is His word to each one of us today. We are to separate ourselves from the passions of this world so that we are focused on one thing—knowing Him better and then doing His will.

Our God does not promise us an easy time in 1951, but we can know without a doubt that whatever we face, He faces it with us. He knows what lies around the next turn in the road and He has promised to do wonders for us. And the best assurance for His blessings tomorrow is a proper relationship with Him today.

The city of Jericho lay in their path and it needed to be conquered. I wonder what lies before you—an important decision, a new challenge, a change in jobs, or a new relationship? Whatever it is you can do what Joshua and the nation of Israel did—they sanctified themselves for God’s provision and gained a tremendous victory!