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Toccoa Falls Institute Brochure

Toccoa Falls Institute brochure
One of the early Toccoa Falls Institute brochures


Editor’s note: The following is from the inside pages of the brochure.

Toccoa Falls Institute was incorporated June 10, 1911, under the laws of Georgia, for providing a practical Bible training for Christian young men and women of small means, fitting them for effective Christian service at home and abroad. It also covers thoroughly the common and high school branches in its English Department, where needed.

It is Located two miles from Toccoa, GA.. 93 miles northeast of Atlanta, on the main line of the Southern Railway, nestling in the foothills of the famous Blue Ridge Mountains. It is in the midst of picturesque hills, abounding in springs and brooks, ravines and woodland, at an altitude of over 1200 feet above sea-level, and is proverbially beautiful. Its name is derived from the beautiful twin bridal-veil falls on the edge of the campus, Toccoa being a Cherokee Indian word meaning “the beautiful.” Toccoa Falls are 186 feet high, 26 feet higher than Niagara.

The Fact that the open doors for efficient Christian workers far exceed the supply of men and women fitted for this work means that those who pray the Lord to send forth laborers into His harvest should help supply the equipment. In addition to students from more than a dozen states, this year finds one from England and two from Cuba. Many applicants were declined because of lack of dormitory space. There is ample dining room, chapel and class room capacity for 200.

The Student must be sixteen years of age or more and a Christian: the charge for board and tuition is but thirty-four dollars a month. In doing a large part of the regular work of the Institute, the students are taught farming, caring for stock, cutting and sawing of timber, carpentry, gardening, laundering, cooking, baking, canning fruit and vegetables, sewing, etc.

Toccoa Falls Institute brochure page 2The Property Comprises 527 acres, half of it woodland, and 160 acres tillable, with abundant water-power, and a lake of 1 ½ acres besides Toccoa Glen and Falls. There are sixteen buildings, large and small. An important factor in keeping down living costs is the farm, which produces a considerable portion of the food, including wheat, corn, beef, pork, poultry, fruit, garden vegetables, and sorghum molasses. The work is done with a small force of men supplemented by the students.

Toccoa Falls Institute Doctrinally stands for unmutilated Bible, believing it to be the inspired word of God; salvation through the blood of Christ; victory in the life through the indwelling Christ; the baptism of the Holy Spirit for life and witnessing; rugged consecration to sacrificial service; practical faith in the sufficiency of Jesus Christ for spiritual, temporal and physical needs; and burning missionary zeal to evangelize the world and bring back the King.

Graduates are supposed to know how to preach, pray, sing, play organ or piano, conduct gospel singing, understand at least one language besides English, teach school, keep house, cook, sew, build a table, oversee the building of a house, and above all, point a soul to Jesus Christ. While at school they hold services weekly in nearby towns, convict camps, constructions camps, and schoolhouses in the mountains. In addition they also set up tents within 300 miles radius, and hold evangelistic meetings, reaching many thousands, the value of which is evidence by the rich fruitage of souls saved.

Mission Fields now have the Institute’s graduates in India, Africa, China, South America, Central America and Cuba, and others under appointment ready to go. In addition nearly all the others who have ever been in the school are engaged in definite Christian work in the homeland.


Toccoa Falls Institute brochure
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