March 24, 2008

When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

The story of Dr. Richard A. and Evelyn Forrest’s lives had an ordinary beginning. They had parents who loved them. They dedicated their lives to Christ, and committed themselves to a life of His service. They fell in love. They had hopes and dreams.

There were disappointments, too. Evelyn had asthma-related health problems that would derail her dream of doing God’s work on the mission field. They began their work at Toccoa Falls, but a devastating fire threatened to put an end to it. But these two ordinary people continued to follow God’s leading, no matter the difficulty or disappointment.

Throughout their lives, Richard and Evelyn endured countless things that could have easily caused them to stop their work for God. They were separated many times due to Richard’s travels. Evelyn suffered physical discomforts that were often debilitating. Often they did not know how they were going to meet their financial obligations.

Richard and Evelyn Forrest were two ordinary people who are inspiring examples of what it means to follow Christ without hesitation. Because they looked to the Lord and not their circumstances or their own strength, God was able to use them to accomplish extraordinary things during their lifetime. The legacy of their work continues today.

Are we living ordinary lives that God is making extraordinary?

(Taken from the online devotional Grace in the Wilderness © 2008