March 17, 2008

A Miracle of God

“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Faith changes the way you view life’s problems, challenges, and difficulties. Have you ever thought about your life and wondered how you would finish the course you are running? At times, your days seem earmarked with thoughts of fear, stress, doubt, worry, and even dread. But God challenges you to trust Him and allow Him to demonstrate His faithfulness to you. When you trust Him, He will do the impossible on your behalf.

In 1953, Dr. Forrest wrote, “It is true that Toccoa Falls College is a testimony of God’s faithfulness. From the day I made a down payment of ten dollars on the original property until this present moment, He has been at work in our lives and in the lives of those who come to the school. Many colleges and institutions founded nobly and carried on wisely have lost their purpose and their vision. However, I believe that He who began a good work here will continue to do what He has done so faithfully for us. The same miracle-working God, who provided the first ten dollars will provide for every need we have.” And this same principle is true for you. Whatever need you have, He will provide exactly what you need today and forever.

(Taken from the online devotional Grace in The Wilderness © 2008