February 8, 1930 — May 29, 1930
Editor’s note: the online diary you have been reading chronicles the Forrests trip into Africa, through the Middle East, and Europe. It is preceded by another journal that until recently was not discovered. When we complete the Palestine entries, we’ll pick up Mrs. Forrest’s diary written in French West Africa. It was really the first one written. In it you will read how their trip abroad was not only an opportunity for them to experience a lifetime dream but also to go on a honeymoon. This was the first one they had in 29 years of marriage!
Friends provided the funds for Dr. and Mrs. Forrest to tour French West Africa (the field to which Mrs. Forest had felt called thirty years before) and Palestine (the Land of their Lord). While they were on their trip, they also discovered that God sufficiently aided His children in a far away land — the American Consul in Africa was a Georgia boy who had been to Toccoa many times. He knew the Forrests personally.
The Lord in His tender compassion allowed them to realize the fulfillment of a dream they had had for many years. . . . that of ministering on a foreign field as they broke the bread of life to the nationals at different missionary stations. Dr. Forrest was chosen to preach at the sunrise service before the Garden Tomb of the Lord. He counted this as one of the highest honors bestowed on him.

(Photo – from the Toccoa Falls College archives. Information taken from Achieving the Impossible with God by Lorene Moothart.)