Baby Chickens at Haddock Inn!

Mrs. Forrest with baby chick at Haddock Inn

There is a good chance that this is the only photo of Evelyn Forrest standing in the lower level of Haddock Inn. Shortly after the Forrests arrived at Toccoa Falls, Evelyn and Richard realized the need to plant gardens and begin raising livestock. She had students and faculty members to feed along with the numerous guests at the inn. Chickens, even then, were easy to care for. In this photo, Evelyn Forrest (on the right) is holding a baby chicken and the young lady with her is one of the Institute’s first students.

Many years later, Evelyn Forrest continued to raise chickens as a way to feed the growing number of students who attended Toccoa Falls College. In March of 1946, she wrote this diary entry: “The baby chicks arrived early this morning. They sent an extra hundred and there was only one dead. Sweet time of fellowship with the Lord in reading Abundant Living and praying for the lost. It is clearer and much colder today. Walt came in and we talked chickens. I do trust we can raise these without any great loss.”