May 4, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine
Sunday, May 4, 1930
London, England

May 4, 1930 diary entryFound a comfortable and inexpensive room at the Regent Palace Hotel. 4.X.Y

Breakfast 10:00 a.m. Metropolitan Tabernacle or Spurgeon’s . . . Heard a good sermon with no taint of Modernism. After lunch we visited St. Paul’s Cathedral then [we went] to Westminster Abbey, the place was packed—every foot of standing space was taken. The Arch Bishop of Canterbury read the Scriptures. A young man preached a splendid sermon on “Whom do men say that I Am?” John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah. “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” The world today needs a living personal Christ.

Regent Place Hotel