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March 8 & 9, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine
Saturday, March 8, 1930
Kaukau, Africa

Diary March 8, 19307:30 a.m. This was a good opportunity to sleep a little later than usual, and the missionaries served our breakfast in our room at 8:00 a.m. Our first message from home rec’d March 6 at Mamow forwarded from Kaukau. Akapa fyafri fadio “Business is quiet—everything all right and everybody well. Be sure you have a good time and do not let matters worry you. Am very anxious to hear about Mother,” Praise the Lord for this good news.

4:00 p.m. Prayer with the missionaries for the needs of the field.

6:00 p.m. Supper with the Powdl

7:30 Richard went with the men to preach in a native village.
Good Nights rest and feeling so much better.


Sunday, March 9, 1930
Kaukau, Africa

Diary March 9, 19305:30 a.m. They called us to dress in a hurry for the baptismal service at the river.

6:30 a.m. Richard baptized a man and his three children—a daughter and two sons, the wife was baptized at conference so now the whole family are Christians.

8:00 a.m. Richard preached to the natives on the “Shepherd and the Sheep.”

9:30 a.m. Preached to the missionaries on Rom. 7. Dinner at 12:00 with the Roseberry’s. Rested until 3:00. Wrote a letter to both Bible classes, Alice and Kelly and Lorene.

4:15 p.m. All packed up and ready to leave for the Ivory Coast—one Ford sedan and station wagon, four missionaries, Mr. Forrest, and myself. Four native boys for servants, crossed two rivers and spent the night in native Caravarssery.