March 18, 19 & 20, 1930

March 20, 1930The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine
Tuesday March 18, 1930
Haute-Volta, Africa

Put Dad’s arm in hot water again and it seems a little better; he can use the shoulder wrist and fingers freely but not the elbow without pain. All packed ready to start again.

This is wonderful to have roast venison for dinner which Dad the mighty “Nimrod” killed.

3:00 P.M. Left Bobo-dioulassa. Took pictures of road building, caravans of cotton carries, and cotton market. Saw some more red monkeys.

Reached Sikasso 6:30 P.M. The city is surrounded by a nation built wall, now crumbling, whereby they successfully withstood an attack by Saw Mory the mighty African Chief with two hundred thousand fighting men. The Chief of Sikasron killed himself rather than be captured by [the] French. Mission station established here in 1925. Mr. and Mrs. Joter and Mr. and Mrs. Roffall new missionaries now located here.


Diary March 19
Wednesday, March 19, 1930
Sikasso, French Sudan
(110 miles)

Had a good night’s rest in Mr. and Mrs. Roffe’s bed. After breakfast we all took a ride out to the caves and big rocks. Took some pictures out there and a picture of the wall as we returned. After dinner we rested for an hour then packed and left Sikasso.

3:00 p.m. It was awfully hot but we had a very pleasant trip, crossed tow rivers. Mr. Powell shot a wild African turkey, which must have measured five or six feet from tip to tip of its wingspread. An immense truck without breaks nearly crashed into us at the river. We were delighted to reach the river in time to get across before dark. Spent the night in a caravansary at Bougouri, where they have a regular cook who prepared us a good supper of fried eggs, chicken, and French fried potatoes. After prayer, we all went to bed. Richard’s arm is better—he slept.


Thursday, March 20
Bougouri, Sudan

5:00 a.m. This is where we spent the night in a caravansary, deluxe. They have tables, benches, beds, filtered water, and a cook to prepare your meals. However, we decided to sleep on our own roadbeds, for those in their caravansary did not look very clean. Had breakfast, took some pictures, and left about 7:30 a.m.. Called on two ladies of another mission who are stationed here. I talked to the native boys while Richard took a picture.

11:00 a.m. arrived at Banako, capital of French Sudan. Mr. and Mrs. Lure and two children were here to meet us. We also greeted Mr. Reed and his company worker. Secured a room at the Terminal Hotel until train time tomorrow. Had dinner then rested. We ordered ice cream for 4:00 p.m. to treat all the missionaries, had to wait for it until 6:15. It was then time to go to Mr. Reeds for supper. Mr. Roseberry, Mrs. Freighly and Mr. Powell left.