September 3, 2007

Good Cheer!

We live in a time when people have to deal with untold pressures. Many times, Satan tries to tempt us into believing that we could have done a certain thing better, or that we should have said something another way but these are just his methods to diminish our joy. The other night a friend called wanting to talk because he was upset. I was glad that I could be a friend when I was needed. But I also reminded him that we can be of good cheer because Jesus has not left us alone to figure life out apart from Himself.

Have you ever noticed how often the Lord says, “Be of good cheer”? After hanging up the telephone, I began to think about this and how God always has a special word of encouragement for us during difficulty. It may be a simple statement like the one I just mentioned or something else from His Word. When I feel overwhelmed by life’s circumstances I ask God to help me recall His promises. This is when I hear the words from the old King James Version of the Bible saying, “Be of good cheer.” New revised translations may use different words but the message is the same: Be joyful, happy, and even excited because God will work on your behalf. After all, what do you have to fear when Jesus is near?

God provides—
• The cheer of forgiveness (Matthew 9:2).
• The cheer of companionship (Mark 6:50).
• The cheer of victory (John 16:33).

Jesus said, “Be of good cheer because I have overcome the world.” Recently, I was telling a very young boy the story of David and Goliath and the great victory that was won. Before I could finish talking, he looked up at me and said, “Didn’t you know; it was two to one—God and David against the giant?” I had to laugh because he was exactly right and so it is with you and me. We never face life’s battles alone. It is always two to one: God and you against every giant Satan seeks to send your way. —Dr. R. A. Forrest

(Taken from the online book Grace in The Wilderness © 2007