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September 14, 2009

Feet Walking on Water

Amy Carmichael would have been a missionary in India when Dr. and Mrs. Forrest were working to establish Toccoa Falls Institute. It is always interesting to read her devotional insights. This one is especially thought provoking during these changing times.

“Have you ever noticed, you who read the Psalms for the Day, that in the middle of the month two verses come together which show us the two sides of life and the ways of our God with us? One side is perplexing, unexplained, full of mystery—perhaps even painful mystery. The other is so simple and glad that a child could understand it.

The psalmist wrote, “Your way was in the sea and Your paths in the mighty waters, and Your footprints may not be known. You led Your people like a flock” (vs. 19-20). “God’s way is in the sea [who ever saw a way in the sea?], and His paths are in the great waters [where no path is], and His footsteps are not known.”

I have read that “feet walking on water” is the Egyptian symbol for the impossible. Then there is this astonishing truth: “You led Your people like a flock or like sheep.” A Shepherd’s love, A Shepherd’s care, A Shepherd’s tenderness. In the middle of a difficult month, the thought of these great pictures laid alongside in this psalm has often helped me.”

Last week, we read how Dr. Forrest spoke of “dreaming dreams for the college.” We can imagine that he planned for the future. But always when you read his words, you come away with a strong impression that he was a man, whose life was guided solely by God. Many times, when there was a directional shift, he had to walk by faith where there was no path. It was just his feet walking on water following a Savior, who taught him to live each day expecting the heavenly Father to do the impossible at every turn.

Taken from the online devotional book A Present Peace © 2009