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November 17, 2008

We Are Capable through Jesus Christ

In one of her journal entries, Evelyn Forrest wrote, “Lord, we need You because we are not equal to the task.” We probably can surmise she was thinking about the college and all that needed to be done. Her words were a humble and honest confession. Just working with students, who are preparing to enter God’s service can be overwhelming. She had done so much with her life. But the reality of her greatest need never escaped her: she could do nothing apart from Christ. And in a way, her prayer reminds us of the words David prayed: “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house that You have brought me this far?” (1 Chronicles 17:16)

Have you ever thought the same thing? “Lord, who am I that You would place me here, especially when it seems that those around me have so much more to offer.” “Lord who am I that You would choose to love me, care for me, and provide for all my needs?” “Who am I, Lord, that you would even consider me?” You are His child. The one He has chosen. The best place to be is a place of humility. Nothing demonstrates more character or inner strength than this. You may feel as though you are not “equal to the task.” But God is, and if you trust Him fully, He will provide all you need to accomplish His work.

Maybe a series of disappointments or miss steps have caused you to wonder if you are capable of leading, following, supporting, or even just being present at your work or in your family. You are much more than you know, but you are nothing without Christ. No matter how hard the challenge seems, never lose sight of the fact that He has placed you right where you are. He knows the stress you are feeling but realizes there is a greater good coming if you will remain steady and do what David did: set the focus of your life only on Him.

So, let trouble come. If necessary, be willing to walk hand-in-hand with sorrow. And remember that God has a purpose for every trial you face. He is strengthening your arms for service and teaching you the need to draw even nearer to Him. The college has an archive full of letters, journals, notes, and sermon transcripts and much more—all from Dr. and Mrs. Forrest. And not a single line is written about giving up or quitting. The same should be true for you. Stay the course but make sure your strength and ability comes from only one source: the Lord Jesus Christ. When you do, victory and success will follow.

Taken from the online devotion book Grace in The Wilderness © 2008