May 28, 2007

Lord, Give Me a Sign

MY CALL TO MINISTRY began with the still small voice of God and ended with a display of His direction for my life.

While running from God’s call, I continued my studies to become a textile engineer. God continued to work on my heart. January 1966, while working at home, I finally said, “Okay Lord, if you want me in ministry here is my fleece—when I go to work in the morning let the eastern sky over the mountain be blue and cloudless. Don’t let the sun be peaking over the mountain quite yet, and let there be one star in the sky.” The next morning while driving to work I looked toward the east and it was just as I had asked. WOW! From that day forward I never questioned the call of God on my life.

Against all odds I quit my job and went to Toccoa Falls College. On campus I found a caring and loving community of believers who put my needs above theirs. They confirmed again and again my calling from the Lord. I found that Philippians 2:3-4 was lived out every day. I learned that we can be servant leaders for Jesus Christ in our world.

While reading a book by John Piper, I discovered that we need to commit to three things in order to find God’s calling for our lives and then to live it out.

First, spend time alone with God so that His still small voice might be heard—the same still small voice Elijah heard in I Kings 19.

Second, read and know the Word of God. That means a commitment to prayer-driven Bible meditation.

And third, allow Jesus Christ to live His life through you by giving your all to Him.

If you listen closely for His voice, allow Jesus to live His life through you, and remain focused on Him and His Word, you can have God’s best and know His will for your life.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

(By Dr. W. Wayne Gardner, Toccoa, Georgia, TFC Alumnus, TFC President. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p.76-77)