March 10, 2008

No Obstacle Too Great

No matter how hard the enemy may try to derail God’s plan for your life, his best efforts never succeed when the focus of your heart is set on Jesus Christ. Thoughtless words spoken to you or careless deeds done may leave you feeling deeply wounded. However, you do not have to yield to discouragement’s voice. God is omniscient—He knows what He has called you to do, and He will give fresh hope and the ability to accomplish it.

One of Richard Forrest’s greatest tests of faith came just before he graduated from The Bible Institute (Nyack College). While waiting to cross the street one afternoon in New York City, he saw a man who was a prominent leader in The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Richard knew the Lord had called him to preach. So, he decided to ask this man if he knew of a place where he could serve after graduation. But the answer he received was not what he expected. “Richard, you can’t preach. I wouldn’t discourage you for the world, but in all honesty and fairness I have to tell you, you don’t have it in you. God didn’t call everyone to preach, my boy, and it seems to me that you’d be far wiser to get a job, become a good Christian layman, and help support those who can preach. That’s an honorable profession, too, my lad, and we don’t have enough Christian laymen who are concerned with supporting those who can engage in preaching and doing missionary work.’”

At first, Richard felt as though all his hopes and aspirations had been shattered. “Lord,” he prayed, “I know You have called me. I heard Your voice. Please make a way from this to happen.” Immediately words from Philippians 4:13 flooded his mind, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.” It was the Lord reminding him he could do what he had been called to do. God also was telling him not to listen to man, but to His voice. And this is exactly what he did. In fact he not only preached his entire life, he also helped to train others who would do the same.

God has a solution for every obstacle you are facing. But you must listen for His voice of encouragement and believe that He will do what He has promised to do in your life.

(Taken from the online devotional Grace in The Wilderness © 2008