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June 23, 2008

I’m Glad I Listened

JESUS’ FIRST MIRACLE is described in John 2:1-11. This scripture inspires me to imagine what the servants might have experienced. “How many guests did you say were coming to the wedding?” one servant asked.

“Really?” was the reply with concern, “I don’t think there is enough wine.”

Last minute preparations were made and the “I do’s” were said. At the reception, the servants’ fears became reality as the wine jugs emptied early and only water was left to drink.

Scripture tells us that Jesus was just starting out in his ministry. He had no known miracles to date. His mother was there to recommend to the servants to “Do whatever He tells you to do.” Jesus told the servants to fill the jugs with water, and they obeyed. It is not hard to imagine that they might have wondered what they were going to have to endure when a guest requested another glass of wine and instead got water.

The reception continued and what the servants feared indeed came true. Guests were requesting more wine. The servants nervously picked up the water jugs and tried to think of what to say when asked about the water. To their surprise, instead of water tumbling into the goblet, rich red wine poured out. The wine was pronounced better than the wine first served.

I can see the questioning looks on the servants’ faces, “I am sure I put water in that jug.” Only one thing made the water come out as wine. JESUS. He was the one they obeyed. Probably, there was quite a buzz in the kitchen that night as they cleaned up after the wedding. Amongst the conversation, “I’m glad I listened to Jesus.”

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5)

(By Dr. Donna Gardner, Toccoa, Georgia, TFC Faculty and wife of Dr. Wayne Gardner, TFC President. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p. 84-85)