Evidence of His Presence
It is no secret that these days can seem very difficult. And if you are not careful, you can end up feeling both discouraged and discontented. Gas prices are at a record high, and a trip to the grocery store costs more than this time last year. Five minutes spent watching the evening news can leave you wondering how you will make it through another day, let alone another year. Thankfully, God knows exactly how you will continue.
Amy Carmichael reminds us, “The Lord went before the nation of Israel in a cloud and in a pillar of fire. So cloud and fire are bound up with thoughts of guidance. Each began with the sight of the impenetrable cloud. So do our days begin. We may have a timetable; even so, we face the unknown. We know not what a day may bring, but if we are following Christ, we know that we shall be led.†We can be certain of this: God knows the plans He has for each one of us, and they are scripted with future hope and goodness—regardless of our immediate atmosphere.
Jeremiah 29:11 is a promise that is clearly underlined in Dr. and Mrs. Forrest’s Bibles. It is evident that when problems developed, they sought God’s guidance and comfort. When hardships threatened their peace, they recalled His promises to them. When there was a financial need, they fell on their knees before Him in faithful prayer. And when the enemy tried to tempt them to give up, they set their hearts and minds only on one thing: the call that God had placed on their lives. In the end, they were far too busy to worry about tomorrow because they were occupied with reaching the goals the Lord had given them.
F.B. Meyer writes, “A storm is only as the outskirts of His robe, the symptom His advent, the environment of His presence. Dare to trust Him; dare to follow Him! And discover that the very forces which barred your progress and threatened your life, at His bidding become the materials of which an avenue is made to liberty.â€
The very things that drive us to God in prayer are the things that also draw us close to Him. Is there a cloud hovering in your life? Take a few moments out of your hectic schedule to refresh your hope and faith in Christ. Ask Him to renew your strength and remind you of His eternal care.
(Taken from the on-line book Grace in The Wilderness © 2008 tfchistory.com.)