June 1, 2009

A School of Faith

“Have you considered my servant Job?” (Job 1:8).

A. B. Simpson quotes another minister as he writes, “’The only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.’ This is very true,” adds Simpson, “The time to trust is when all else fails. Be not afraid, only believe.”

“If you are frightened,” writes Simpson, “simply look up and make this proclamation: ‘When I am afraid, I will trust in You, Lord.’ Before you know it, you will find yourself thanking God for placing you in His school of sorrow because you know that ultimately it will become a school of faith.”

In her final years when suffering had robbed her of activity and often, consciousness, Mrs. Forrest continued to praise God for the pain she endured. Instead of crying out under the weight of such agony, students and others who worked at Forrest Cottage often heard her whisper these words: “Praise the Lord.”

Faith like this is engrained in a person’s life. It permeates his or her being and overflows into all he or she does and touches. It is faith that endures because it has the ability to see beyond the immediate to the eternal glory that is waiting for him or her at God’s command.

Taken from the online devotional A Present Peace © 2009 tfchistory.com