July 28, 2008

A Walk of Faith

Walking by faith does not mean we are given all the answers to our questions. Actually, many times the opposite is true. We walk not by sight but by faith. God reveals to us what we need to know in order to take the next step. Whenever I am tempted to look too far in front of where I’m going or stop to consider what has taken place in the past, the Lord reminds me that this is not the direction He wants me to travel.

He’s always moving forward but there are times when He simply wants us to be concerned with doing what He has given us to do in the present. He also wants us to be willing to press through the storms of life, which are the very things that could potentially prevent us from accomplishing His will and purpose. His bottom line is simple: He has a purpose for each one of us to fulfill and He wants us to choose to obey Him.

His plan may or may not be what we expect or what we have planned, but if we say yes to Him, even in times of deep sorrow and stress, we can be assured that we will end up exactly where we are supposed to be.

“By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out” (Hebrews 11:8). When we hit an emotional brick wall, God willingly comes to us—directing us and encouraging us to keep going, keep moving, and keep pressing forward. Charles Spurgeon wrote, “God does not train His soldiers by allowing them to lay around on couches.” Every trial He sends our way is an opportunity for His hope to be renewed in our lives and in the lives of others.

A.B. Simpson echoes this same principle: “When a Roman soldier was told by his guide that if he insisted on taking a certain journey it would probably be fatal, he answered, ‘It is necessary for me to go, it is not necessary for me to live.’”

God deepens us through the trials of life and prepares us for the future. It is in times of extreme difficulty that our faith is stretched, seasoned, and readied for His service. “When God has deepened us,” writes Simpson, “then He can give us His deeper truths—His profoundest secrets and His mightiest truths.” Simpson’s words should be the cry of our hearts whether we are walking in sunlight or darkness. Lord, lead us into the depths of Your truth and as A.B. Simpson prayed, “Save us from a shallow experience!”

(Adapted from the booklet, Give Me Jesus © 2005 by Dr. Wayne Gardner)