July 2, 2007

Grace in the Time of Need

HEBREWS 4:6 INVITES US to come boldly before the throne of God with our petition. In coming boldly, we come with full confidence. It doesn’t mean that we come in a haughty manner or a demanding attitude. It means we can “pour it all out.” There is nothing we need to hold back. He understands. We do not need to fear that He will misunderstand what we say. No, we can just “pour it all out.” Many times people who are dear to us may misunderstand what we are trying to say. The Lord, however, always understands.

When we come boldly before our Lord we find mercy and grace. It is interesting that mercy and grace are given at the time of need, not before.

I recall speaking with many of the survivors of the terrible 1977 TFC flood. I asked several if, at the time of the flood, they thought they would be able to endure the ordeal that was upon them. Their answer was, “No.” They felt that before the flood their faith was so weak that they would never have made it through. However, in the time of need they found the grace that was needed.

So it is with us. We are anxious about the future. We question whether our faith will carry us through the trials. But, bless the Lord, in the time of need the grace that is needed will be ours.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:6)

(By Dr. Paul. L. Alford, Ft. Myers, Florida, Former TFC President, TFC Chancellor. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p. 18-19)