January 28, 2008

Mixed Messages

HAVE YOU EVER noticed what a noisy world we live in? Thousands of messages are being sent our way through radio, television, the Internet, friends, family, etc. Even in the Toccoa Falls College library it is sometimes difficult to concentrate. We are so busy taking in the many distractions in life that we often neglect to hear the most important sound of all—God’s voice.

Those of us working in a Christian atmosphere such as Toccoa Falls College often become so accustomed to spiritual messages that we neglect to spend important time in real one-on-one fellowship with our Savior. We are missing so much!

The three most important messages that meet a deep-seated need in humans are: “I love you,” “You are forgiven,” and, “Come to the table—dinner’s ready!” Can you imagine what God is trying to say to us through those same messages? “I love you—you are My beloved child. I forgive you—you are accepted into My family. Now I want to sit down at the table with you, to eat with you, and enjoy a time of sweet fellowship.”

God’s Word reminds us to “Be still and know that I am God.” If we are so absorbed by the circumstances or distractions around us that we have lost the ability to hear God’s voice, perhaps it is time to find a quiet place, seek God, and listen to what He wants to say to us.

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. (Lamentations 3:25-26)

(By Ms. Brenda Ritchey, Toccoa, Georgia, Toccoa Falls High School and TFC Alumna, TFC Staff. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p. 96-97)