April 23, 2007

Discovering Peace

THE YEAR WAS 1992, and work was completed on the house that would soon be home to TFC students who were children of missionaries serving overseas. I had felt the burden for such a haven, and the need to trust God continually for each dollar was overwhelming. I was experiencing worry, doubt, and frustration.

I stood on the bank of a creek and cried out to God for the needs of Paradise Mountain Ministries. I watched the water gently lowing over the rocks of the creek bed, and observed there was no struggle for the water as it flowed over the rocks. Then I looked at the small sticks that were scattered underfoot and picked up a few, giving each a name representing one of my worries. I tossed the stick named Finances in the creek and watched it float away. “God,” I cried, “I need Finances to be placed on Your shoulders. It will no longer be my responsibility, but Yours.”

One by one I gave the needs to God, and in doing so, the sticks that I tossed into the creek were carried away. The burdens that had weighed so heavily on me—helpers needed, permits, supplies, people to support the ministry, fear, worry, and many more—were no longer mine. I had cast all of my cares on Him.

Today I rest in God and enjoy His peace, as I continually trust in Him for every need. Blessing is ours as we watch Him provide. God grant us peace as we allow Him to do for us that which He enjoys doing—taking our heavy burdens and replacing them with His strength and peace.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:2)

(By Mrs. Carolyn Eckman Ballard, Toccoa, Georgia, Toccoa Falls High School and TFC Alumna, TFC Staff. Taken from the book: Leaves From the Tree God Planted © 2006 by Toccoa Falls College, p.16-17)