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Christmas 1958

Dear Folks,
As we approach Christmas, my mind is filled with memories of things in my life, which had their beginning during this season. On Tuesday night before Thanksgiving 1898, as a teenage boy in the home of my Sunday School teacher, I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. I gave my first public Testimony in an early morning Thanksgiving Day meeting. On Christmas Eve 1901, I was married to the woman whom I felt then, and still feel, to be the loveliest, most beautiful girl in the world. R.A. & Evelyn Forrest

In January 1902, I accepted a call to become the pastor of a Gospel Mission in Orlando, Florida. Thus began the wonderful privilege of preaching the gospel around the world. January 1, 1911, I first saw Toccoa Falls and gave a ten dollar bill as a down payment for Haddock Inn, a beautiful piece of property at the base of Toccoa Falls. And it was here that Toccoa Falls Institute and Bible College was born. I am now on what they call “the return list.” But you can see from the happy memories I have how anxious I am to do all I can to overcome the ravages of time.

They have made me President Emeritus of Toccoa Falls Bible College, and I am eager that my friends should be reminded of the school and acquainted with the problems which must be faced and conquered. We have the plans and specifications for a new library, which will cost about $150, 000.00. So far, we have about $30 thousand held in reserve for the Library, but we cannot begin the construction until we have at least one hundred thousand. We thank God for what we have, and we are trusting Him and our friends to make it possible to begin the library at the earliest possible date.

You have made possible by your prayers and your gifts the development of the school. Letters from former students come in almost daily telling of their gratitude for the training and guidance received at Toccoa Falls Institute for their life work. This constitutes a dividend from the help you and God have given. It is a good investment, and the best part is this: the results will continue through all eternity.

With all my heart I want to urge you to help us get enough money on hand to build a library. I believe God will be pleased to have us make Him a love gift for this much needed department or current needs of the school. Won’t you do something about it as a Christmas gift? All such gifts maybe deducted from your Income Tax.

It is a great joy to us to give gifts to loved ones at this season. This custom started when God gave His only begotten Son as our Saviour. I know you will want to help us to continue to send this message around the world.

May God bless and refresh you with His eternal hope.

Merry Christmas,

R.A. Forrest signature

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