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April 23 & 24, 1930

The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine
Wednesday, April 23, 1930

Just one week since we arrived in Jerusalem and now we must leave.
5:30 a. m.—breakfast and all the family were present to see us off, even baby Richard. Bag and luggage—we drove in a comfortable sedan car to visit, five Jewish colonies including Tel-e-viv, which is near Jaffa, the ancient city of Joppa.

Saw some wonderful orange groves and a Jewish agricultural school. Took the train at Ludd for Cairo and at 10:30 p. m. arrived in the city. It rained all the way across the desert for which we were very thankful. It made the trip so much easier. Mr. and Mrs. Boatess met us at the train and drove us to their home where we spent the rest of the night.


Thursday, April 24, 1930
Cairo, Egypt

8:00 a. m. We had breakfast and then to the train for Alexandria. We found it was a special train to meet the boat. We went 2nd class but found it very comfortable. Had three Jews for traveling companions. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein of Buffalo, N.Y. and Rabbi Moses Eckstein of Boston, Mass.

Reached the boat Esperia about 1:30 p. m. and found the 3rd class special was horrible. Richard is in a cabin with five other men and I am in one with four other women, anything but desirable. We tried to change our tickets but could not. We sailed 3:00 p. m. and found the sea very rough, and by the time tea was served at 4:30 p. m. nearly everybody was seasick. It was an awful night.