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February 22 & 23, 1930

February 22, 1930 diary entry
The Diary of Evelyn Forrest’s Trip to Palestine
Saturday, February 22, 1930
Out on the Atlantic

Just one week from today we expect to land at Conakry, Africa. Oh! What a privilege to make this trip. I must gain strength fast this next week for the traveling we will do as soon as we reach Africa.

Went to the dining room for lunch today. Then spent all afternoon up on deck in our steamer chairs. I feel a little stronger. Must try to get some letters or cards written home. Guess I will wait until Monday to write. I am so weak. But praise God, I am able to walk a little. Thinking of what this day means at home and the loved ones there. It does not mean anything to the French.


February 23, 1930 diary entry
Sunday, February 23, 1930

One would never know this is the Lord’s Day. Everything on the ship moves on as if it were a weekday. Unfortunately there is not a person on board who speaks English well enough to be an interpreter so we could give them a service in English.

We must be content with reading our own Bible and Streams in the Desert. Spent most of the afternoon up on deck. My strength does not return as I desire. It must be an in pouring of the life of Jesus Christ. Romans 8:11 is still in the Book and I am taking life moment by moment. I am thinking of and praying for Sue (Ralls) on her way to Greenville. Praise the Lord!